
Nexus Assurance tackles the operational and governance complexities of regulated financial services firms delivering simplicity, clarity and control of your business activities.

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Transform your Governance and Operational Ecosystem with Navigator


Why Nexus Assurance?


We’ve built years of workflow experience into our powerful digital control and governance platform, Navigator. But more than technology, we’re collaborators and partners you can trust in.

Ease of Use

Configured to the needs of your business, Navigator is completely flexible. Choose the right solutions for you. Navigator is an easy to use no-code platform, so you won’t need technical resourcing to run or implement it. Our team of experts provide the support and training you need.


We are ISO 27001:2013 certified. Data is centralised in a secure environment providing you with peace of mind.


Navigator fits to your operating model, not the other way around. The platform is designed to seamlessly shape around the processes of complex organisations.


Intuitive dashboards make workflows clear. You know who needs to do what, when, and why. Digitally linking workflows to risks and documentation provides real-time transparency enhancing both understanding and control.


In an industry dominated by stringent regulation and change, our platform allows you to stay in control. Efficiently creating and updating digital processes (standard or bespoke) for any team reduces risk and promotes agility.

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