In an era of heightened regulatory scrutiny on ICT outsourcing governance, Nexus Assurance is here to help you optimise, evidence, and protect.

Navigator, our digital control and governance platform, offers a comprehensive solution that hosts and integrates all your DORA-related policies, controls, and risk outcomes, including a digitised register of information. Everything is in one place giving you total control.

Stay Ahead, Stay Compliant.

Leverage Navigator’s DORA hub to standardise, simplify and optimise DORA governance.

Our leadership team, with extensive experience in outsourcing governance, set us apart. Leveraging cutting edge technology, years of expertise, and a deep understanding of the business challenges you face, we’ve crafted Navigator. The platform’s registers of information capability is aligned to regulatory expectation. Navigator can support a standalone entity or a complex group structure and the challenging mapping exercise to produce 15 data templates is automated for you. Oversight processes can be linked to the register, and intuitive dashboards provide the perfect monitoring tool to oversee each outsourced activity. Navigator’s DORA hub is flexible such that our clients can design, evolve and maintain their DORA and outsourcing governance frameworks to suit their specific requirements. 


Explore how our DORA solution features can benefit your business.

Outsourcing dashboard

Digitise Register of Information

Embrace efficiency by creating fully integrated digital DORA registers aligned to regulatory submission expectation. Navigator hosts the firm’s mandatory register centrally and securely, and you can download your register with a click.

Evidence compliance

Digitally linking oversight activities to regulations, agreements, SLAs and best practice policies significantly increases transparency of the control environment, allowing you to quickly evidence ongoing compliance of every outsourced task.

Control with dynamic dashboards

Dynamic dashboards give instant transparency providing a simple live overview of your firm’s DORA governance activities (both critical and non-critical). Analyse risks, issues, trends and performance indicators easily, with flexibility to build and adjust associated controls.

Risk hub

Navigator’s dynamic risk register supports the tracking of outsourcing risks with real-time links to mitigating controls.

Multi-entity capability

Intelligently designed, Navigator supports DORA oversight activities and risks at a local and group level. The platform is uniquely suited to meet the needs of multi-jurisdictional firms.

DORA governance reporting

Access a rich pool of accurate data by running configurable reports. Navigator offers built-in custom report generation for management, boards, outsourcing committees, and regulators.


Navigator’s DORA Hub is designed by outsourcing governance experts to seamlessly streamline your global DORA ecosystem. 

We understand that efficiency is paramount. Navigator is tailored to ensure that every aspect of your DORA governance is optimised for peak performance. DORA Hub delivers DORA registers aligned to regulations and downloadable in a click, modern and user-friendly dashboards, and the ability to easily tailor and automate workflows that drive associated activities, controls and risks. The platform’s innovative capabilities mean these can all be digitally linked – complete control, complete transparency, and everything in one central secure place for optimal performance.

Outsourcing Hub
Outsourcing Hub


Simplify DORA oversight with the compliance toolkit you need to fortify the organisation against regulatory pitfalls. 

DORA Hub delivers the tools that allow you to seamlessly ensure and evidence dynamic DORA oversight. With automated digital processes driving best practice, and in-built audit trails tracing all activities to source, you can demonstrate proactive compliance with regulations and industry best practice at the touch of a button. Navigator’s DORA hub capabilities allow you to digitally link outsourcing governance workflows to the firm’s outsourcing register providing you with real-time transparency, enhancing both understanding and control. The platform’s intuitive dashboards and automated reporting provide powerful outsourcing governance insights. With Navigator, DORA governance is clear and instant.